lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017

Masking Madrid Workshop (28/11-02/12) with AUD, UA and UEM (Dubai, Alicante and Madrid):

  M a s k s  &  I r o n yi

In this workshop, students will study urban design in a global context, by analyzing actual case studies in the city of Madrid (Spain). They will explore the multidimensional, integrative and inclusive process of urban design in addition, its relation to architecture and context. Students will research the specific challenges encountered in the design and management of such a city as Madrid, including the physical, environmental, socio-cultural, economic, legal and philosophical aspects.

Masking Madrid is a critical and experimental vision of architecture and contemporary urban society. We propose a territorial game of Masks, an architecture about the making of architecture.

As Hejduk in Victims, we will project our Masks to portray an analogous city, an experimental version of the future based on the analysis of the past and the present of the contemporary city.

The Masks will mobilize a repertoire of building elements drawn into an exchange between theatrical and formal / expressive practices, throughout radicalism, detour and digression as a critical reflection.

Masking Madrid must be a constellation of public spheres as narratives of autonomous subjectivity. We will seek to enact the multidisciplinary direction through which architectonical practices and processes come most alive. We will constitute a map of contemporary knowledge circuits were art, theory, science, culture, ecology, and politics collides.

This International Workshop is an area of uncertainty and reflection. This space must be built among everyone students, teachers, institutions, guests and citizens, hundreds of voices within a discursive dynamic system... Masking Madrid is a democratic space for discussion.

Tuesday, November 28th
9:30 Welcome & Registration DIMAD-Matadero  
10:00-10:30 Presentation: Coordinators
10:30-12:00 Introduction to Workshop Themes & Groups coordination
12:00-12:45 Lecture Miguel Luengo (UEM)
13:00-13:45 Lecture Leticia Serrano (UA)
14:00-15.00 Lunch Break
16:00-17.00 Norman Foster Foundation (3 groups Spanish)  
17:00-18.00 Norman Foster Foundation (2 groups English)
19:30 Bocata de calamares at “La Ideal”. c/ botoneras 4

Wednesday, November 29th
10:30-11:30 Exploring Madrid Giner Rios Foundation
13:00-14:00 Exploring Madrid Reina Sofia Museum (2 groups)
13:15-14:15 Exploring Madrid Reina Sofia Museum (1 group)
14:15-15.30 Lunch Break
16:00-17:00 Lecture Nabyl Chenaf (AUD)ôUEM
17:00-20:30 Workshop SessionôUEM

Thursday, November 30th
10:00-12:00 Workshop Session Free location
10:30-13:00 Exploring Madrid Fundación Telefónica 'Norman Foster - Common Futures'
13:00-14.00 Lunch Break
14:00-16:00 Exploring Madrid Medialab Prado
16:00-19:00 Workshop Session Free Location

Friday, December 1st
10:00-11:00 Presentation: Maria Clara García Mayor (UA) Madrid Río
11:00-13:00 Site Visits: Pasarela Arganzuela-Playa & Skate Park Madrid Río
13:00-14.00 Lunch Break / Picnic
15:00-16:00 Lecture Georges Kachaamy
16:00-20:00 Workshop Presentations and Jury ôUEM

Saturday, December 2nd
10:15-11:15 Exploring Madrid Caixa Forum (2 groups)  
11:15-12:15 Exploring Madrid Caixa Forum (1 group)  
12:15 Workshop wrapping-up and conclusions

Centro de fisioterapia en Madrid

Casi acabamos la reforma integral de un local en Madrid transformado en un centro de fisioterapia y podología.
Más información... pronto :)

Almost completed a comprehensive renewal of a commercial space in Madrid transformed into a physical therapy and chiropody centre.
More info... soon ;)

jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

newnewnew !!!

Nuevo proyecto en marcha !!!
Vivienda unifamiliar aislada (una casa....)
Parcela de 1024 metros cuadrados en la sierra Noroeste de Madrid
5 metros de desnivel
Muchos árboles (encinas, pinos....)
Magníficas vistas
más información... pronto

New project on board !!!
Detached house (a villa....)
1024 sqm plot in the outskirts of Madrid
5 meters slope
A lot of trees (Holm oaks, pines....)
Great panoramic views
more information... soon

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

Entrega del Proyecto de Ejecución de la casa I/V

Entregamos el Proyecto de Ejecución de la casa Invierno/Verano!

La propuesta consiste en duplicar una célula de noche completa (dormitorio+baño+vestidor) para que los propietarios (una pareja sin hijos) habiten una o la otra en función de la estación del año.

De esta manera, la pieza de verano (tramada en rojo en planta) se sitúa en la esquina Noroeste de la vivienda y la habitación de invierno (en azul) se localiza en la esquina Sureste de la vivienda.
Una marquesina de control solar ata la composición en la fachada Sur.

Submission of the W/S house!

The scheme is based on replicating a sleeping unit (bedroom+bathroom+dressing room) so the owners would "move" from one to the other depending on the season.

Therefore, summer unit (layered in red) is located on the Northwest corner of the house and the winter unit (in blue) is placed on the Southeast side. A solar canopy is used to bind the whole composition.

lunes, 3 de julio de 2017

Nuevo proyecto de vivienda unifamiliar en Madrid

Os presentamos la casa JARA. Una vivienda unifamiliar aislada en la sierra Noroeste de Madrid, cuenta con unos 300 metros cuadrados organizados en dos niveles, mas información...pronto.
Esperamos que os guste :)

Very happy to introduce our latest project: JARA house in the outskirts of Madrid. It's a two-storey 300sqm detached house, more info... soon.
We hope you like it :)